Last updated on August 26, 2022
Cai Charniga
I design joyful things and processes that make experiences sweeter and easier.

I’m trying something new on a team of one, spinning up Design Operations at Figma.


I led Product Design for Spotify’s annual Wrapped campaigns and worked on other projects which aimed to grow fan to fan connections. Before that, I designed tools for backers and worked on design systems at Kickstarter. Additionally, I spent time at Splash and CDM Princeton, working across a variety of projects.


I do my best to improve the quality of life for those around me – whether it be through community organizing, systems thinking, designing, accessibility advocacy, mentorship or friendship.

I'm a lover of joy and of rest, an appreciator of radical imaginings, and a believer in our ability to create strong communities together.

Selected Writings
Selected Press & Awards

I’m on a team of one, spinning up Design Operations at Figma. I also like to regularly scan things.

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